Next weekend our parish youth will be handing out Krispie Bars after Masses. Donations will be gratefully accepted. The funds raised will help offset costs for our youth attending camps this summer. Thank you for your continued support of our youth ministry efforts!
April will soon be here and that means it will be spring clean-up time at the cemetery. Please remove wreaths and any other décor from gravesites by April 1. Thank you for your help.
March 15/16
Just a reminder that our Lenten Soup and Sacrifice dinners will continue each Saturday after 5:00 PM Mass through April 12. Enjoy a simple meal of homemade soup with your family and parish friends. There’s an opportunity for a free-will offering which will be given to local organizations that help those in need. Please see the bulletin or website for additional information
Our Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring a food drive for CAER this weekend. Thank you for your continued generosity!
Join our faith community in a Lenten almsgiving journey with a Rice Bowl from Catholic Relief Services. Donations assist our brothers and sisters in need across the world. Pick up your family’s Rice Bowl from the church entrances. Rice Bowls will then be collected on Holy Thursday.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting breakfast March 9 from 8:00 AM to noon with proceeds benefitting CAER. Enjoy a great breakfast and conversation with fellow parish members. The Knights accept Venmo in addition to cash and checks for the freewill offering.
Our Lenten Saturday Soup and Sacrifice meals begin March 8 after 5:00 Mass and continue each Saturday through April 12. Join us in the cafeteria for a simple meal and an opportunity to give to local organizations that help those in need.
This weekend the Knights of Columbus are inviting men to consider joining their charitable service organization. We now welcome Greg Kern to share some thoughts about the Knights of Columbus.
March 1/2
Ernest Kukowski and Theodore Rouse recently passed away. Theodore's funeral will be March 22 at 10:30 AM, with visitation one hour prior. Please keep Ernest, Ted, and their families in your prayers.
The season of Lent begins this week and we invite you to participate in one of the Ash Wednesday liturgies. Masses will be held at 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 6:30 PM.
Our Lenten Soup and Sacrifice meals will begin Saturday, March 8 after the 5:00 PM Mass and continue each Saturday through April 12. Many crocks of soup, as well as desserts, will be needed for this annual event. Volunteers are also needed to help with set up and clean up. Please see the bulletin orwebsitefor sign up options.
This is the final weekend to purchase raffle tickets for the Catholic Schools Raffle sponsored by Catholic United Financial. Help our school reach its goal of $27,000! Remember, every dollar from each ticket sold stays at Saint Andrew School. Thank you for your support!
Our Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring a food drive for CAER next weekend. CCW members are distributing grocery bags and lists of suggested items to donate. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Our gourmet Guatemalan coffee is available for purchase in the Gathering Space this weekend. We have one pound bags of either whole bean or ground coffee in several roasts. Your purchase supports the farmers in Guatemala and students at Saint Andrew School. Your continued support is appreciated.
All young adults ages 18-35 are invited to stop by the table in the Gathering Space after Mass today to learn about the Third Saturday Swing dance coming up March 15 at St. Albert’s in Albertville.
This weekend we invite you to consider becoming an adorer in our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. It’s a beautiful opportunity to spend quiet time with our Lord. Please stop by the table in the Gathering Space to learn more or to sign up for a specific hour.
February 23 is our seventh annual Quilt Bingo sponsored by the Saint Andrew Quilters and Crafters. Join us for a fun afternoon with an opportunity to win a beautiful quilt made by our parishioners. Bingo starts at 1:00 PM. See thebulletinorNews and Events webpagefor more details.
Norma Ebner passed away this week. Her funeral will be later in the spring. Please keep Norma and her family in your prayers.
Commitment Weekend for the Bishop’s Appeal is February 15/16. Please read the bulletin insert and consider your gift before Commitment Weekend. You can expect the Appeal mailing in the coming week and can return your offering next weekend. Thank you for your support of the many ministries of the Diocese of St. Cloud.
the Knights of Columbus are hosting a pancake breakfast Sunday, February 9 from 8:00 AM - 12 Noon. You are invited to enjoy a delicious meal with family, friends, and fellow parishioners. Proceeds from this free-will offering breakfast will benefit youth retreats and the school’s open house. In addition to cash and checks, the Knights are now accepting Venmo for free-will offerings.
There’s a blood drive in the gym from 8 AM – 2 PM Sunday, February 16. There are many open slots available after 12 noon. Walk-ins are welcome. Please consider giving the gift of life!
This week we are launching our newly redesigned website! We plan to go live on Monday. You can still find us at We hope you will find that the site is visually appealing and that it is easy to locate important and timely parish information.
Rose Enghusen and Tom Jenior passed away this week. Rose’s funeral will be Saturday, February 8 at 10:30 AM with visitation hour prior to the funeral. Tom’s funeral will be Tuesday, February 18th at 10:30 AM with visitation one hour prior to the funeral. Please keep Rose, Tom and their families in your prayers.
February 3 is the feast day of St. Blaise. For those who wish to have their throats blessed, there will be an opportunity to receive the blessing after Mass today.
Richard Bourque (“Burke”) passed away this week. Please keep Richard and his family in your prayers.
Quilt Raffle tickets can be purchased in the Gathering Space after Masses today. Tickets are $5 each and the winner will be drawn February 23rd at the Quilt Bingo.
Saint Andrew School will be hosting an Open House following the 10:30 Mass tomorrow / today. All parishioners and families interested in learning more about Saint Andrew School community are welcome to attend! Donuts and juice will be served! A second Open House will also be offered this coming Tuesday, January 28th from 6:00-7:00 PM at the school.
The annual Catholic Schools Raffle is here! Each ticket is $10. The grand prize is a 2025 Chevy Trax or $20,000. This raffle is generously sponsored by Catholic United Financial. Every dollar from each ticket stays with Saint Andrew School. Thank you for your support!
You are invited to a Marriage Retreat at Christ Our Light Catholic Church February 22. This retreat gives marriages at any stage an interactive and enjoyable boost. See the bulletin or website for details.
Please stop by the table in the Gathering Space to pick up your 2024 contribution statements. Thank you for your continued generosity in supporting our faith community.
Saint Andrew gourmet coffee is available for purchase in the Gathering Area this weekend. It comes in several types of roasts in one-pound bags. Purchasing the coffee will benefit the farmers and their families in Guatemala as well as students at Saint Andrew Catholic School.
January 18/19
Registration for Saint Andrew Catholic School’s 2025-26 academic year is now open to parish families for Prekindergarten through Grade 8. We invite you to consider enrolling your children in our school, where we strive for academic achievement anchored in faith. Open Houses will be held January 26 and 28. See the bulletin or website for more details.
Quilt Raffle tickets can be purchased in the Gathering Space after Masses today. Tickets are $5 each and the winner will be drawn February 23 at the Quilt Bingo.
The next gathering of the Golden Heirs will be Wednesday, February 5 at 1:30 PM, not this coming Wednesday.
All are invited to a special presentation by Amanda Achtman this Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the church. Her first presentation will be about Blessed Carlo Acutis and Eucharistic Adoration followed by Adoration in the church. Her second presentation will address euthanasia and abortion.
Please stop by the table in the Gathering Space to pick up your 2024 contribution statements. Thank you for your continued generosity!
January 11/12
Patricia Vasseur and Edward Elstad passed away recently. Edward’s funeral will be this Wednesday, January 15 at 12:30 PM, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral. Please keep Patricia, Edward and their families in your prayers.
Please note that we will have an 8:00 AM Communion Service this coming Thursday, January 16.
Next Saturday, January 18, the Knights of Columbus are hosting a spaghetti and lasagna dinner from 5:30-7:00 PM. Invite family and friends for a delicious Italian meal with the lasagna prepared by our very own Fr. Mark Innocenti.
Registration for Saint Andrew Catholic School’s 2025-26 academic year is now open to parish families for Prekindergarten through Grade 8. We invite you to consider enrolling your children in our school, where we strive for academic achievement anchored in faith. Open Houses will be held January 26 and 28.
Today we welcome Fr. Tom Kadera as our presider and thank him for celebrating Masses with us this weekend.