As children progress through our faith formation program, they are introduced to the sacraments. Generally, children first receive the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist in 2nd grade. Confirmation preparation is a 3 year process beginning in 8th grade through 10th grade. Confirmation is then received in the fall of the 11th grade. Children will be prepared for these sacraments when they are enrolled in the faith formation program. More specific information for those who are currently in preparation for one of these sacraments can be found on our
Sacraments webpage.
Confirmation Study Material
For those students in 10th grade who are in the final preparation phase for the sacrament of confirmation, an information packet is provided at the following link:
Confirmation 2025 informational packet
Parent Program
Since all of us are part of the parish community, our goal is to serve not only the youth, but also the adults. Our goal is to grow together in our parish by connecting with others, with all families feeling part of the wider family of Christ. To accomplish this goal, parents of students enrolled in the faith formation program are expected to attend Parent Nights. Parent Nights usually align with Grade 1 - 7 meeting dates. At parent nights, adults will be given the opportunity to connect with other parents from our parish and grouped with other parents who share some kind of interest or connection. After the topic is presented, small groups will have an opportunity to reflect on the topic together.
Family Activity
A Family Activity will take place twice a year at the church on Wednesdays (6:30-7:45 PM). This will be an opportunity for families to learn together! Some examples of these activities include dinner (provided by the parish), lessons for the whole family, workshops, mass and/or prayer. These sessions are part of the Faith Formation program and all youth and parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
Ministry Activities
Jesus commanded us to show our love of God by loving and serving each other. "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40). Throughout the year, ministry activities will be offered approximately once a month to provided opportunities for service. Each family in the faith formation program is strongly encouraged to choose one ministry activity at some point during the year and serve together. Ministry opportunities will include events such as the Fall Festival, Feed My Starving Children, Second Harvest and making sandwiches for the Sandwich Project. Once you have completed a ministry project, record your service by filling out this form: click >>HERE<<. To see upcoming opportunities and to sign up, visit the St. Andrew Volunteer Local webpage at
The Miracle at Every Mass a VIDEO teaching by Fr. John Riley