Unlocking the Treasure

Please watch the recording below to learn more.....

Recording: (6:30 PM) Video

See the parish web page links highlighting a variety of opportunities for you that include:
Youth Formation – Grades 1 – 12 program “Sending a fully alive young church on mission with Christ to build the Kingdom of God here and now through the witnessing of a lived faith." How you can help, how will it look?
Alpha – An evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions, so that everyone has the opportunity to see their friends’ lives transformed by the gospel.
Catechetical Institute – Two year program to further students' spiritual formation and deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith.
RCIA – Information about this year's new season starting this fall. An opportunity for all those not fully initiated into the Church.
WINE - Women In the New Evangelization is about empowering women to work within their God-given gifts as women to nurture, heal and build up the body of Christ. 

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